Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Descriptive Essay

Nigel Grant
Freshman Composition
Ms. Noone
November 3, 2014
Humans are Wild
According to the dictionary, a wild animal is one that lives in the natural environment. Humans, though scientifically classified as an animal, view wild animals as incomparable to themselves, but both species are actually very similar in the way they act. Zoos provide people with the perfect opportunity to see that these wild creatures are not much different from humans. The National Zoo in Washington, DC exemplifies how humans and animals are alike in interaction.
Classes and families pile into the entrance of the zoo. Children anxiously ran toward the entrance to be treated by the Zoo’s first attraction: the stone lions lining the start of the trail. The children’s rambunctious behavior overwhelmed their patient guardian or caretaker. Opposite to the children’s desires, the parents carefully packed up the supplies for the trail and locked their vehicles. Finally, the children were granted their wish of entering the wild amusement park.
Once you enter the park there are a variety of exhibits, each unique with its species, to choose from. The major exhibits are Amazonia and Asia Trail, Great Apes and American Trail, and Think Tank.
The Amazonia exhibit gave the tourist a taste of animals that are native to the Amazon River; Titi monkeys, two-toed sloths, river stingrays, and poison dart frogs are display. Of this group the most notable animal was the poison dart frog. These tiny creatures are not to be messed with despite their small frame. Their toxicity level keeps away would-be predators from preying on them. What they lack in size they make up in poison. The two-toed sloths were also intriguing creatures to learn about. This nocturnal mammal is unable to walk and is forced to climb trees in order to get around its habitat.
The Asia Trial, of course, consists of animals from the Asian region of the world. Without a doubt, the main attraction from this trail is the Giant Pandas Habitat. There you will find two fluffy giant pandas, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. The friendly and harmless face of these two giant balls of fur masks the ferocity and power that the two pandas posses. They are very calm and collected as they just park themselves on what seems the lushest patch of grass to take a load off. They seemed to be having a picnic, chewing on bamboo. Every so often their ears would perk up as if someone in the crowd disturbed their peaceful evening.
The Great Apes exhibit was surrounded with many people. Of all the attractions in the zoo it seemed to have the highest density of people. People were awe-struck by the closest looking animal to a human: the Gorrilla. The huge, strapping, black, manly creature strolled around his pen as if he were a king addressing his subjects. A beast filled with such confidence. The attitude from their walk gives off the impression of something not to be messed with: Chest to the sky, brawny arms, deathly scowl.
The American trail shows off animals that more familiar to the U.S. citizens due to the fact that the trail displays animals from the North American region. There many woodland animals, for example beavers, wolves, and otters, can be spotted. The crowd favorite from this certain exhibit was American bald eagle, the nation’s animal. This animal epitomizes greatness and importance. The massive wingspan of the bird can bring any man to his knees. Then the wings are complemented by the sun golden beak and wall piercing blue eyes, not to mention the razor-sharp talons.
Lastly, the Think Tank is a place for visitors to understand more how animals think and adapt to their environment. The O Line connects the Think Tank to the Great Apes exhibit. It is used as a highway for the orangutans to travel freely to and from each habitat. The dull orange orangutans look like wise old men, with its balding hair but full beard. They are unbothered as they stroll across their own personal to the habitat of their choice.

The National Zoo is a great occasion to explore the lives of wild life and see how similar their characteristics are to humans. The Pandas display family qualities when they seemed to have a nice lunch together in the middle of the cage. The gorilla and the bald eagle epitomized qualities that people strive to have and live with on a day-to-day basis. Then the orangutans exemplified the wise old grandpa that we all have and love. Animals are not too dissimilar from humans. Based the children’s behavior, humans might be more wild than the animals in the zoo.

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